
I swear back to school comes faster and faster every summer. This year BOTH my babes are in school. The only year they will be in school together. The first first day of elementary school for one and the last first day of elementary school for the other. Not sure how that happened so fast.

Back to school shopping dates with both kids.

Meet the teacher night!

How stinking cute are they? Ugh my heart!

The first day of school I was able to walk them in. Landry was a little nervous but once she saw play-doh at her desk she was good to go. Jaris got his third grade teacher again for 5th grade and he was pumped. Third grade ended in spring break thanks to covid and she was his favorite teacher so he was hoping to get her once she moved to 5th. Dropping him off was no problem! Landry LOVED school. And the next two days she just wanted JT to walk her to class. We've got a good morning and after school routine going to far and we are ready for our first full week of school and sports. 

We are so proud of these two and love them like crazy. We are excited to watch them develop this year. 


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