18 Month Check Up

We were a little behind considering Jaris is 19 months now but he finally had his 18 month check up today.  I wasn't able to leave work like I thought would be able to so my amazing mom was able to take him.  We have officially switched to a pediatrician from a family doctor and I'm really happy with our decision.  I did love our family doc but when he was sick I was never able to see her and when the PA missed croup, I decided it was time.  It's so comforting to actually see our doc when he is sick, I feel really comfortable with him, and he is great with Jaris.  His stats are...

Height: 32.25 inches (35th percentile)
Weight: 24 pounds 10 oz (27th percentile)

So....still a little guy :)

He did get shots today and tonight he was running a low grade fever so he was pretty mellow all night.

The doctor was super impressed that he can blow his nose (and he really does a great job) and apparently that has something to do with speech development/understanding so that's good.

He's talking a lot and says...

momma, dada, maime (maisy), tee-tay, please, ball, football, basketball, donut, poop (he has told us a few times when he goes!), snack, milk, night, bye, hi guys (one of my favs), plus a few more. 

It's fun to hear him try and communicate, he's really been putting words together and is very vocal when it comes to what he wants.  He is certainly independent and is very particular about things.  He finds very tiny things and take them to the trash, he likes his sippy cup in a certain spot on his tray, his blankets go a certain way when he sleeps,  his legos go only they he likes...he's entertaining that is for sure!  

He keeps us on our toes and we love it!


angie bird said…
He's such a joy in all of our lives!! We are so very lucky to have him! Grammy loves him to pieces! He's such a smart little guy! (think he gets that from me...shhhh)

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