Latest happenings and fall!

As soon as we got back from Tulsa we had to make a trip to Wal Mart and get Jaris a car that Kaden and Brooks had which he just loved.  He didn't put it down all night long! They came into town that week so we got to see them for two weekends in a row!  

whatever catches the ball right?

watching the KU marching bands drummers practice

and as usual wrestling with uncle Brett

snacks and bedtime show

Here are just a few pictures from recently...

 This kid LOVES his dog and it melts my heart every time

popsicles with my cousins little girl
daddy's softball game

Our favorite chicken spot...Strouds

loves his grandpa
another toy we had to get after our Tulsa visit

Aunt tee-tay was here for a week too!

got a nice goose egg after the cement caught his face
Jaris also had his first haircut!  I didn't want the curls to go but he had a growing mullet so it had to go! He looks like such a little boy now (insert tears).


I also decided that I was sick of the 90 degree weather so I thought I would help fall come quicker by decorating for fall early!  I brought all my stuff up and Brett said, "Are those pumpkins? It's 97 degrees out?!"  

Getting excited for the pumpkin patch this year!! September 30th can't come soon enough!

That's all for now!


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