2 Months!

Oh how my little man has grown!  He is now 11 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long, he is just in the 35th percentile so he is still a little guy but I like it that way :)  Overall the doc said he was doing perfect, especially on his sleeping patterns and his "talking."  He had his shots as well and he did great, he let out one big scream and then I was able to pick him up and he was back to normal.  I gave him some Tylenol right after and before he went to bed and he's been his normal sweet self since.  He was a little fussy for a couple hours after but after his bath tonight he was back to being a happy baby.  
He is talking SO much and smiling all the time.  At his doctors appointment he was having an entire conversation with Dr. Cordova, just laughing and talking to her. He likes to be sung to, he likes when you stick your tongue out, he's kicking like crazy, and still makes the best faces.  He is starting to get a little more hair on top but not much, he has only spit up twice since he was born, and he is only waking up about every 4 hrs to eat at night...and the other night he went from 10:30 to 6 am!!  He makes me so happy it's indescribable.  We are truly blessed with an adorable, easy, and happy baby.  I love watching him grow and every minute with him is truly amazing.  I love him to pieces.

Here is a link to a video on Facebook...HERE

1st Jordan outfit, thanks aunt Danielle!

He was a big hit at Dyana's birthday dinner!
Andy & Dyana

Cordeus & Kristen

Brett is doing great, he got his big brace off so he is able to get rid of his crutch and bend his knee again. He's started rehab so he's in a little bit of pain but he is pretty determined to get better asap!  I on the other hand had to take a night off the other day.  Between work and having to do everything for Jaris I was really wearing myself down.  Tuesday I just had a really hard time waking up, my body was exhausted and then I started to get really hot and an upset stomach.  It was starting to catch up to me so now that Brett was off his crutch he made me go to bed at 10 and he did all of Jaris' night stuff and feedings.  It was much needed because I felt so much better the next day.  


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