Things To Remember

Over the summer Jaris and Brett went back to Kansas for summer sport camps. I missed them like crazy but I loved the one on one time I got with Landry. She is just so stinking funny! She is not shy at all anymore and has totally come out of her shell. We've spent a lot of time at the pool and she has no trouble talking to anyone or making friends with strangers, even adults. She went to summer camp at school a few days and loved it. She loves her school and her teachers.

When she says "hers."  Hers is tired. I think hers wants to play.

"You da best mom." Randomly or when I surprise her with a sucker.

Sings everything.

When I get home from work or even just a trip to the store without her she tells me how much she missed me. "Mom I missed you sooooooo much!" And then gives me a huge hug. 

I love to kiss on her feet and toes so I always tell her I'm going to eat them up. She says, "no mom, you can only can have one!" And then pretends to pull one off and give it to me!

Every morning when she wakes up she goes in her toy room, puts all of her stuffed animals that she sleeps with in her grocery cart and pushes it into our bedroom. Then she takes them all out and crawls in bed with me.

She has really turned in to a good snuggle bug. Sometime with daddy but mostly with me! She loves to rest her head on mine and get nose to nose with me. She loves to give me kisses all the time and hug my neck. She is just super super sweet right now and I cannot get enough of it. 


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