Thanksgiving and Christmas

This year we went back home to Lawrence for Thanksgiving. Brett went up about a week before but I had to work so I stayed in Texas. I had 5 full days husband and kid free. I went shopping, I watched all my favorite movies, I WENT to a movie all by myself, I ate what I wanted, I played my music up super loud all day, took a bubble bath EVERY NIGHT and watched Grey's was awesome. I was definitely missing them but it was nice to have some time to myself! 

Before I got there, JT got to see all of his buddies and even had a sleepover! He got to practice with his old basketball team and had a blast.


I got there the day before thanksgiving and spent most of the day helping my mom in the kitchen and loving on my niece. Luckily my grandparents were able to come down from Iowa as well, I loved being able to see them. We had a Thanksgiving day, lots of yummy food, family, and hilarious games.

The day after Thanksgiving we went to the annual rescuing of Santa at Weavers downtown. This year Landry was old enough to be excited and understand what was going on so it was super fun to watch her. It was a beautiful night!

The next day we headed to the Christmas tree farm to help my sister get her tree and to let the kids see santa. It was super nice outside and the kids loved it.

That night we headed to Topeka to catch a Washburn game and stayed with the Ballards. We took off the next morning in a snow storm which slowed us down, a lot but eventually made it home!

We hosted Christmas this year and we had so much! My mother in law came down a little less than a week ahead of time and the Ballards got in Christmas eve. We attended church that night and then came home for dinner. After dinner the kids decorated sugar cookies. Brett read them the night before Christmas and then we all hit the hay!

Christmas day was perfect, the weather outside was amazing, I had the front door open all day. The kids played outside on their new toys pretty much all day. We had a great dinner, Brett's dad joined us, we watched movies, and played games.

The next few days were spent at the park, having nerf gun wars, watching movies, ice skating, etc.

They all left Friday morning and a quick change of sheets and cleaning of the house my parents came in for Christmas part 2 that night. They got in late so the next morning we opened our gifts from them. I have had my eye on a vintage milkshake mixer for over a year. It was in an antique mall in downtown Lawrence. My parents came through and got it for me, I LOVE IT. We've used it pretty much every night since. She even got me the old milkshake glasses and long spoons. Crazy to think that something from the 1940's is still working when my mixer from 2008 just quit. They don't make em like they used too is so true!

My mom had been dying to go roller skating we went later that day, we had so much fun. She is a pro and showed us all up. She loved it!

The next day Brett and I took them to Arlington on a tour of the Cowboys stadium. The day after the boys went to a movie and the girls got pedicures. They headed back to Kansas the next morning.

It has been a busy December but we LOVED having all the company!


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