She's 3!

She is delightfully
chaotic; a 
beautiful mess.
Loving her is 
a splendid

I'm not sure there is a more perfect way to describe this crazy wonderful little girl of ours. Every year seems to go by faster and faster. This past year is one of my favorite ages and I have tried to soak up every moment. She had a big year, made her first trip to the ocean, started pre-school, moved to a big girl bed, started dance class, and moved away from home. 

She is a lover of animals, sweet tea, suckers, her stuffed Maisy and blanket, rain or cowboy boots (she's kind of obsessed with shoes in general), hats (both cowboy and beanie), and bubble baths. She has such a creative imagination. She can play on her own so well but I love playing with her because she is always coming up with some new imaginary game to play. And I love listening to her talk me through how to play and what to do next. She is always wanting to change her clothes and everything is a "dress." She is constantly changing her shoes as well, wearing dress shoes, boots, my shoes, tennis shoes, flip matter the weather. 

If you catch her in the right mood she can be the sweetest little love bug. She knows I love to snuggle her so for the most part she lets me. But she gets very concerned when someone is hurt, likes to offer bandaids and kisses to make it better. She always tells me she's my best friend and while I think in the future she'll be a daddy's girl...she's a mommas girl right now.

She loves...

 Guns N' Roses, Luke Bryan, Queen, and Michael Jackson. 

PJ Masks, Paw Patrol, Toy Story, Tangled, Monsters Inc.

Hot dogs, french fries, chicken fingers, refried beans.

Playing with JT, playing grocery store, playing teacher, and hide and seek

Random funny things: Calls M&M's nummy nummy's. Likes to watch the Skeleton Dance. When she  wants to get our attention she says, "okay guys listen up!" When she’s trying to be encouraging she says, “go for it!” 

I have a feeling the threenager  attitude will be strong with her. She is a force to be reckoned with when she has made up her mind to do something. She's been that way from day one. She is strong willed and while that might drive me crazy now, I know it will do big things for her in the future. 

Her personality cannot be contained and her wild spirit is contagious. You can't help but laugh and smile when you are with her. I always say this but she is just nuts and I love it. She is my little sunflower...big, bold, tough, and beautiful.

Happy 3rd birthday to our sweet and wildly beautiful little girl. We love you to the moon and back.


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