Survey 2018

JT's 7 Year Old Survey

1) What is your favorite color?  Blue

2) What makes you happy? My parents

3) What is your favorite fruit? Apples

4) What's your favorite tv show? Loud House

5) What's your favorite movie? Night At The Museum
6) What is your favorite thing to wear? Football shirt and leggings

7) What is your favorite sport? Football

8) What is your favorite place to eat lunch? Pickleman's

9) Where is your favorite place to eat dinner? Texas Roadhouse

10) What is your favorite snack? Chocolate chip cookies and cupcakes

11) What is your favorite animal? Cheetah and shark

12) What is your favorite song? Despacito and Rolly Rolly.

13) What is your favorite book? Captain Underpants

14) Who is your best friend? Harrion

15) What is your favorite part of school? Math

16) What is your favorite thing to do as a family? Playing outside and going to the trails

17) If you had all the money in the world what would you buy? A big house with a big back yard

18) What is your favorite holiday? Halloween

19) What's your favorite meal mommy makes? Enchiladas

20) What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes with nutella

21) What is one thing you are good at? Football

22) What is one thing mommy always says to you? You are the cutest boy I've ever seen

23) What is one thing daddy always says to you? Dude you are so handsom
24) What is the hardest part about being a kid? School

25) Name a few words that best describe you? Kind, nice, funny, athletic
26) What do you want to be when you grow up? Monster truck driver or football player

27) What do you love about mommy? When you take us to the park

28) What do you love most about daddy? Playing catch and practicing

29) What is your favorite thing about Landry? She likes to ride my scooter with me

We love you to the moon and back JT!


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