Life Recently

 We have finished one busy season and have hit the next. I know I'll blink and it will be over so I'm trying to take in every day before I have no practices to drive to. Just like we did with Jaris we are putting Landry in all things so she can experience it decided whether or not she likes it. She is continuing to do soccer and gymnastics but we've added softball! She really likes it so far and we love watching her learn and try new things even if they are out of her comfort soon. She will continue soccer and gymnastics into the fall and she wants to do cheer again! We'll see if we can squeeze in fall softball as well if she wants to.

Jaris is playing spring 7on7 again and of course, baseball. We are doing tournament baseball this year so only on the weekends but our weekly schedule is currently:

Monday: football practice

Tuesday: softball practice

Wednesday: gymnastics

Thursday: soccer practice - baseball practice

Friday: football games

Saturday: soccer & softball games - baseball games

Sunday: baseball games

These times are crazy but I love every minute of it. I love packing up the bag before the weekend with all the uniforms, water bottles, snacks and meals for baseball all day, sunscreen, sweatshirts, umbrellas, chairs, blankets, toys and things for Landry to do, and all the things. I really do love being at the ball fields and I know a large part of that is our baseball family. Landry plays the entire time with her friends (and little sisters of JT's friend/teammate) that I hardly see her. Only when she needs snacks! I get to be the team DJ and play their walk up songs and music in between innings and it's so fun. I love tournament baseball. And football with our Chiefs family is ALWAYS fun! I love this time with our kids and watching them thrive and learn. I wish time would slow down but we are enjoying the ride!


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