Things To Remember


She talks about being a mom all the time. "Can I do that when I am a mommy?" "Can I wear your clothes when I'm a mommy? "When can I be a mommy?"

She loves ice cream (like me). Menchies is her favorite ice cream shop. She always gets the pink ice cream. She loves popsicles, push pops, and milkshakes.

I always tell her I want to eat her toes so she pretends to pick them off one by's the cutest.

When she says I love you she adds an "s".  I loves you too mom.

She says she's "joking" all the time about everything right now. 

Holds her hands over her mouth when she giggles her high pitched giggle and shrugs her shoulders up.

Since Covid we've been locked inside and had no where to go so she has worn nothing but tutus. Usually with a tank top or leotard/swimsuit.  Literally nothing else. Shirts have to be tucked in to the tutus and if she gets a drop of water on it, she must change. She probably changes clothes 4 times a day. 

Asks questions like she's annoyed and then answers them herself...for instance, "Do you think I even like green beans? NO!"  "Do you think I want to go to Costco mom? NO!"

Jaris was playing hockey with two friends and he was losing. Landry called him over and whispered, "you gotta play harder bubba." Jaris told her she's not a coach and she replied, "Ok! Keep losing then!"

Playing Pac-Man at aunt Stephs house we can hear her downstairs. She was obviously losing about every 10 seconds when she yells, "UGH! This game is ridiculous! I'm so sick of it!"

Says knock "wonk." So when she tells a knock knock joke it goes, "wonk! wonk!" 

When she wants a turn at something she says, "I want to give it a go!"

Her random "I love you mom" are my favorite thing about her. She will be in the middle of driving her power wheels, stop...turn around and say,  "I love you mom," and keep on going. All the time in the middle of things and it melts me that she just has to stop what she's doing to tell me.


Has made huge strides in reading thanks to eye therapy and finally graduated!

He plays Fortnite all the time. And he has to FaceTime the people he's playing with at the same time. Which I don't mind when it's its cousins or friends from Kansas.

He carries a football around with him everywhere. He is constantly asking Brett to run routes and throw with him. He loves going up to the middle school, with his football gloves and ball...and just practice. Running route after route.

Got his first job...offered to scoop dog waste for our neighbors. $10/week!


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