She's 4!

Our little sunflower is 4 years old! I asked her if she was excited to turn 4 and she said, "yes but you'll be sad because you always say you want me to be a baby again so you can rock me to sleep!" And yes that's true I told her, but watching you grow is the best gift EVER!

She has grown leaps and bounds this year. She wants to do everything on her own, from the simplest things like getting dressed to the hardest things like trying to brushing her teeth! Whatever it is, she will do it (or try) on her own. Her attitude hasn't changed much, she still can assert/demand/command with the best of them. She knows what she wants. But at the same time she is super sweet and complimentary..."you look beautiful mommy.'' Daddy I love your beard." "Jaris I missed you today!" Just the sweetest most innocent compliments. She has also started complimenting herself, like when she has a new headband on or a new hair style she'll look in the mirror and say, "I look adorable!"

This year she did her first group activity, dance obviously. She took a tap and ballet combo called and loved it. So then we put her in gymnastics and she is loving that as well! She has really become independent especially when trying new things without me. Which I love and hate at the same time!

She is a little daredevil. Always wanting to ride JT's dirt bike and the entire time she's yelling for Brett to go faster! She isn't afraid of climbing things...for example the dresser in her closet to get shoes off of the top shelf! She always wants the windows down and the music louder. She loves music and sings all the time. She is so good at making up her own lyrics to whatever tune, it's hilarious and so cute.

This girl is the best at imaginary play. I've never seen a kid who can play like she does. She will be in her playroom for hours and make up 100 different scenarios, combine toys, and on and on. She just comes up with some of the funniest things. I love listening to her play but I love playing with her even more. I have so many videos of us playing together, I just love how she always knows what to do next and has no problem directing me.

She loves...playing with her little bestie Brooklyn, getting pedicures with mom, swimming, Barbies, My Little Pony,  and Littlest Pet Shop. Currently obsessed with dress up clothes but especially her Elsa costume and boots which she wears everyday. She is always wearing something dress up, skirts, jewelry etc. I love it.

Random things to remember: She calls the merry go round the miracle ride. Calls nail polish po-nail-ish. She loves Whataburger, obsessed. Even though she only eats a grilled cheese there, it's her favorite place. She also loves Rosa's and thinks everyday is Taco Tuesday.

Landry Marie, we couldn't be more blessed to have you in our lives. You are constantly keeping us on our toes and making us laugh. Please don't ever lose your confidence or strong will...that will take you far in life. Our lives would not be nearly as funny without you in it! We are all blessed by you. We love you sweet sunflower.


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